Typing with your voice with Edge Sense

Type using your voice instead of the onscreen keyboard.
  • Check and make sure to download the latest HTC Edge Sense version from Google Play Store.
  • In Settings > Edge Sense > In-app squeeze, make sure the Keyboard option is selected.
  1. Open an app where you want to enter text.
  2. With the onscreen keyboard showing, squeeze the lower sides of your phone, and then speak the words you want typed.
    Illustration showing how to squeeze and hold the Edge Sense area of the phone.
Note: If you paused speaking, squeeze again or tap the microphone icon on the screen to resume voice typing.

Launching Google Assistant is assigned to the squeeze and hold gesture by default. See Enabling the squeeze and hold gesture. While you're not in the Camera app or the onscreen keyboard is not showing, squeeze and hold the lower sides of your phone to launch Google Assistant. You can then use your voice to do a web search, ask questions such as about the weather, and more.

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